Hi everyone,
I want to start class with that conversation about Venice AI we were supposed to have last week.
Then we will press forward on our Roadmap 1 activity.
We will end class with quiz 2.
Department of Management Information Systems, Temple University
Hi everyone,
I want to start class with that conversation about Venice AI we were supposed to have last week.
Then we will press forward on our Roadmap 1 activity.
We will end class with quiz 2.
I plan to dedicate the first hour of our time together to our first Roadmap Activity.
Then, in the last 20 minutes of class, we will discuss the Venice AI episode of the Daily AI Brief.
Next week, when we meet on Monday, you will end class with Quiz 2. You should study this week’s lecture (see the interpretability power point) to prepare for that.
In today’s class, I want to begin by revisiting the Python scripts from last week.
Then, move on into today’s lecture.
Class will conclude with quiz 1.
Hello everyone:
Here are some announcements for the start of class tomorrow:
We will spend the first 20 minutes of class talking about the listening assignment.
Then we will move on into the lecture and materials on Supervised vs. Unsupervised learning.
There will be a corresponding discussion assignment on canvas.
See this! https://community.mis.temple.edu/career-fair-2024/
Registration ends 9/13. Sign up today. Don’t delay!
In class today, we will look at different types ( or categorizations ) of AI and what they mean.
We’ll have a paper-based group activity as well. See you in class.
Welcome to MIS3536 – Information Systems Innovation with AI.
I’m looking forward to our first meeting on Monday, 8/26 at 1pm in Alter 239.
See you then!