Here’s the plan for class on 2/12
- Discussion of the assigned listening / reading
- Presentation on bias in AI / ML
Department of Management Information Systems, Temple University
Here’s the plan for class on 2/12
In class today, we will have a mixture of activity and discussion. Some key concepts to pay attention to:
See you in class.
In class today, we will continue the ML activity we began last class, producing a graph showing a trend.
Then, we will make sure that everyone can start Anaconda, and run the notebook found in this zip file:
Our time will conclude with this week’s quiz.
Hi everyone,
We’ll spend the first 20 minutes of class talking about DeepSeek, then jump into an in class activity on data cleansing.
FYI – be on the lookout for instructions from me on installing Python/Anaconda.
Hello all,
In class today I’ll cover lecture 3.
I’ll also discuss what to expect for next week. ( Please note the new listening assignment! )
Our class time will conclude with quiz 1.
While I would like to spend some time talking about The Stargate Project, I think we have other matters to attend to.
Slides are on the class schedule. We’ll start class with some directed discussion time, then jump into the lecture.
Hi everyone,
So, but now you are probably wondering “what did I sign up for here?” and “is this class about old sci-fi”? Hopefully, if that’s a concern for you, today will be more on point.
But, speaking of old things, we’ll start class today by visiting this web application:
Then, we’ll have our first formal lecture. This will be followed by a discussion on the listening assignment “Is AGI Coming Sooner Than We Think?”
Hello everyone,
Welcome to MIS3536 – Information Systems Innovation with A.I.
I look forward to seeing you all in class on Monday 1/13 at 10am in Alter 603.
I’ll take attendance, describe the course, and we’ll have some light discussion. I’m looking forward to it!