MIS 3537 – Spring 2017

Instructions for Beer Game

To prepare for the Beer Game, you should:

1. Visit the URL to complete the registration.   Note: each group member needs to register separately. Also,  this link is different from the one you download case studies.

2. Watch the video after completing the registration.

3. Form groups of exactly 4 (no more, no less – the software only permits groups of size 4) and write the names of your group members as a comment on this post (only one person per group need write).

4. Round 1 of The Beer Game will be held during class hours on Monday February 13th (Intro).  We’ll finish the game on Monday February 20th.

5. Students without a group can run the simulation as individual players.

Important: The game requires participation from all four members of a group – therefore, if one of your group members is not logged in or absent from class on Thursday Feb 4th or the 11th, your group won’t be able to play the game.  Please coordinate with your group members and make sure they are present in class.

An Extra Credit of 0.25 points can be earned for completing the steps 1,2 and 3 by Thursday February 9th @ 5:00pm.

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