MIS 3537 – Spring 2017

100 second reflection for Week 12

Think for 100 seconds, and summarize the key things that you learned in the class during Week 12:

RosettaNet Case

Guest Lecture

29 Responses to 100 second reflection for Week 12

  • This week we talked about rosettanet and ebXML and their potential impacts on companies. It was interesting to see how companies can benefit from standards like easier training, reduced complexity and cost, and better affordability for small/medium sized businesses. In the lecture portion of class we talked about some general review of the class and some other relevant topics that make the class more relatable to the real world. One of these topics was the mythical man month which implies that diminishing returns aren’t always equal; sometimes more people don’t equal more productivity depending on the nature of the task. We also talked about tools for success like being an active business problem solver by learning all you can about the business, and finding the right role of technology in your business (tech is a means to an end, which is better business).

  • In this week’s class, we went over the RosettaNet case and discussed the impact standards can have on a firm’s strategic plan. Overall, standards help improve automation and regulation of business communications. From this, we discussed what standard Developcom should take on; I said they should invest in ebXML because it is a horizontal standard that would help serve a larger customer base, a core strength for Developcom’s business model. In addition, we also discussed some real-world uses that our class would provide us. One critical point that I will take away from this class is the idea that certain supply chains models aren’t adaptable for all businesses, and they must be able to be tweaked as certain business procedures and competitive environments change.

  • I think the most important part of this week’s class was the professor’s lecture on advice outside of college and into your career. What really stuck with me was the topics of working hard and maintaining balance. It is important to remember that whatever position you are placed in, even if you don’t like it, you need to work hard and excel. This will show the type of person you are, even in a job you aren’t thrilled with. Maintaining a work life balance is also an extremely important issue in the workplace today. You need to have something outside of work that grounds you and brings your back to reality when work feels like too much.

  • In week 12, we learned the evolution of business to business networks. Standards are very important and necessary in eBusiness to helps costs, complexity, ease of use, and affordability for small businesses. Technology has become a great way to perform business transactions. We also discussed that a horizontal standard would suit best for Developcom’s customer base. The most impactful part of this lecture was the advice on your career after college. Balancing a life of working hard and being happy is very important. I am excited for life after college

  • This week in class we went over the RosettaNet case along with the company’s involvement with ebXML. The case went into the importance of standards and implementing them throughout an organization. Standards are really effective in helping with communication within the business. I also appreciated the real world discussion we had in class about how knowledgeable you have to be in an organization in order to be effective in it. I try to focus my college career around getting in class knowledge while also getting an idea of what the real world application of it will involve on a daily basis.

  • In week 12 we learned about the evolution of the B2B business network and how technology has changed they way companies perform business operations. Key things that were pointed out were the exchanging of business messages, consolidation and automation of purchasing, how standard affect the communication within the company. In the RosettaNet case, we learned that standards are necessary and essential in eBusiness because of the cost to develop, complexity, ease of use, and to make EDI affordable to small and medium businesses. However, standard can be complex because of competing standards, cost of compliance, and time of market.

  • This week in class we spent time going over the Rosetta Net case and the impact ebXML has on companies. The mos important component of the case, in my opinion, was discussing the importance of the various standards. After reviewing the case we had a different lecture then normal, one where we discussed in detail what we learned, and discussing more about the real world, and life outside of college and after college. Coming from a professor who has been in the real world for a lot longer then we have, it was helpful to listen to your advice, primarily from a business perspective. The most important thing you talked about, in my opinion, was managing relationships. It is so true that you may have great bosses and you may have terrible bosses, but there is nothing you can do about that. In order to succeed you must learn and you must grow, and I found this lecture to be very helpful going into the rest of my college career and beyond.

  • This week we discussed the RosettaNet case and Mr. Beavers advice on life after school. Standards give businesses a consistent view, language, and methodology when dealing with data. There are many strengths with both RosettaNet and ebXML and network externalities affect which standard a business should choose. It’s difficult to predict what the adoption curves will look like for each standard. Will it be a normal distribution, an asymptotic curve, or a “hockey stick” curve? The biggest take away this week was Mr. Beavers advise to find a balance between work and the things that matter to you. Seems like he has it figured out.

  • This week we went over the RosettaNet case which focused on studying ebXML as well. We learned about how important standards are within a business. Having standards within a business helps keep clear communication. E-businesses definitely need standards because communication can be difficult at some points especially if the business is entirely online.We also discussed the different types of curves, normal, asymptotic, and the hockey stick curve.

  • Last week we learned about RosettaNet and there involvement with ebMXL. It took me a few times reading the study and class time to pick up on what exactly ebMXL is and how it can help businesses. It was important to see how this technology impacts business now a days and how companies can use it to their advantage. Prof. Beaver gave us a great lecture on life and how we can learn from one another as long as you try your hardest everyday. I enjoyed the lecture because I know Professor has had a successful career with some great companies so any chance I can learn from his experiences is something I am going to enjoy and learn from.

  • This week we discussed many things, like RosettaNet and ebXML among other things, but the thing that resonated with me the most was your advice on our future after college and in our future profession. What really stuck with me was no matter what, whether you like your job or not, there is no replacement for working hard. Personally, I pride myself on hard work, and relying more on that then being book smart. Initially, many people do not like their entry level jobs, but they would described how hard work will get you better jobs and make you happier in life.

  • In week 12 of this course, the two main points of were Rosettanet and ebXML. We discussed their background and how these two companies can have huge potential impacts on businesses. Multiple benefits arose from Rosettanet and ebxml such as reduced costs, more efficient training, and better flow of business plans. It is important for companies to research, review, and select the proper technology company that can benefit their business. Over the course of the lecture, the point about standardization was made. Throughout a company, communication must be effortless and management should be accessible when necessary.

  • This week in class, we discussed the RossaNet Case and the tremendous impact simple standards can have on a business. Simplicities such as effective training, reducing costs, and business plan flow can effect a profound change in the success of an organization. Many companies do not utilize these tools in an effective and efficient manor which can lead to completely avoidable complications.

  • In week 11, we discussed the RossetaNet case and some of the advantages and disadvantages of it and ebXML. After that, we voted what type of adoption curve of each company. It was interesting to hear the reasonings people picked either the normal, hockey stick, or asymptotic curve. There really was no correct answer, it was based off of what people predicted what the company would look like in the future. In the lecture, one slide that stood out to me was the rocks and sand example. It taught me to complete the bigger tasks first, that way I will not be stuck with them towards the end. I also learned in the lecture that it is important to maintain a balance between work and family.

  • In week 12 we leaned about the evolution of business to business (B2B) networks and the impact that technology has had on them. In particular, we read about the RosettaNet case and the companies relationship with ebXML. This case talked about the importance of having business standards to increase the efficiency and consistency of data. Implementing standards can have many positive outcomes such as reduced business costs, higher operating efficiency, better communication, and many more! When implementing new business practices like these it is important to consider the adoption curve (e.g. a normal distribution, an asymptotic curve, or a “hockey stick” curve).

  • In week 12 we learned about the evolution of the B2B business network. In the RosettaNet Case we learned that standards are necessary and essential in eBusiness because of the cost to develop, complexity, and making EDI affordable to small and medium sized businesses. Rosettanet and ebXML offer great advantages for businesses to utilize and progress with. B2B integration in my opinion is one of the best ways to make businesses more advanced and operate more efficient.

    • Great reply, why do you think that B2B integration is one of the best ways to make businesses more advanced and operate more efficient? Just curious, thanks!

  • On week 12 class, we mainly focused on “RosettaNet and ebXML: Betting on the Right eBusiness Standard” case. We learned that Network externalities are important in e-business standard war.Also in some cases, an Inferior product may win –ebXML is perfecting architecture, etc. at the expense of speed marketing. The last point is that Crystal balls (what will future truly be like) are hard to find, read, be reliable.

  • Our discussion of the RosettaNet case helped to provide an example of a business facing a decision making process that involved two potentially successful options. Both RosettaNet and ebXML standards were efficient and offered valuable benefits, however the company had to consider how viable each option was moving into the future. Additionally, we reflected on the different material over the course of the semester and how it is relatable to real-world business scenarios.

  • In week 12 of class, we looked at the RosettaNet Case. This case looked at the importance of decision making in the e-Business market. Small details that some businesses may over look are actually crucial such as training and communication. RossettaNet showed that your decision making decides if you have a competitive advantage or not. The most interesting part of the lecture was turning away from the standard supply chain talk and talking about life after college. You need to take what you learn in the classroom and the real world to apply it to your job to become successful. I believe that life isn’t a multiple choice exam that you can study for. Life is about real world decision making.

  • In this class, we discuss the difficulties and benefits when deciding which e-business standards to use. We examined two models, in particular, RosettaNet and ebXML. As mentioned in class, making this decision is very difficult because it is a long-term decision for companies. Once a standard is chosen, it will play a major role in how the company will communicate with others. Picking a widely adopted standard for a particular industry is the best option because it will simplify communications and transactions with the most number of others in the industry. Additionally, professor Beaver offered some personal insight to work life after college. One thing in particular stuck out to me in this discussion; work-life balance. I know the first few years of my career will be heavily work driven, but I hope to be able to transfer my focus to family and enjoying life within a reasonable amount of time.

  • In this class we looked at the importance of making strategic decisions in the e-Business industry. A big decision to be made was choosing between two standards. They were rosettanet and ebxml. The chosen decision will determine the future direction of the company. Both standards offered valuable benefits such as increased efficiency and reduced business costs . The company had to select which option was the best fit for the future.

  • In this week, we discussed two different e-business standards in the case. To choose which standard to use depends on the business strategy and the prediction of the trend evolution of the industry preference. Therefore, it is hard to say that one standard is better than the other. e-Business continues to develop, and this creates opportunities and threats to the organization. If the organization can adopt the standard early than other firms and the standard become popular in the near future, the organization will have the first move advantages. On the other hand, if the organization makes the wrong decision and choose the standard that is not acceptable by the industry in the near future, the organization will suffer losses as results.

  • This lecture, we discussed the advantages and disadvantages of eBusiness standards, particularly in regard to Rosettanet and ebXML. What I took away from this part of the discussion was how executives of a business must consider many aspects of their business when making a decision regarding eBusiness standards. A business’ long-term goals, financing, complexity, and supply chain logistics must all be factored in to such a decision. I found that a company like Developcom would most benefit from ebXML, as it would be add horizontal integration most suitable to the company. From this lecture I also enjoyed the professor’s analogy comparing business projects to rocks and sand in a jar. To fit a bunch of rocks and sand into a jar most efficiently, the largest rocks must be placed in soonest, with sand being added slowly and constantly. This parallels how a business will operate most efficiently when tackling larger projects early on, adding in smaller projects along the way.

  • Rosettanet and ebMXL were the main topics in this lecture. The most important thing I took away from this lecture is how important of a decision it is regarding Ebusiness standards. It is also interesting how what might work for one company may not be the best option for another. These kinds of decisions also have a large impact on companies and can determine what direction they are headed in.

  • What really stuck with me this week was the professor’s advice about graduating college and starting a career. He explained that it is important to work hard and maintain balance. Some of us may take jobs that, down the road, we realize it is not the best suit for us. But, not liking a job is no excuse to slack off. You must work hard and excel. Doing so can teach you more about yourself and how to handle different situations. At the same time, there has to be an activity that you enjoy doing to bring you peace and happiness. Life doesn’t have to only consist of work. In fact, that is a perfect equation for unhappiness, stress, and under-performance.

  • Week 12’s class covered RosettaNet and the company’s involvement with ebXML. What I took from this class was the importance of not only standards, but recognizing where the industry is going and making sure your business aligns with the goals of the industry. If a company neglects to recognize and go along with something like the standards of how B2B is going to be done in an industry, the company will face struggles of working with the industry around them. I also took something from your lecture about how to handle life in general. To handle the big projects that matter most first, the small nuances last and everything else between according to that philosophy. It not only applies to business but my personal life and I intend to apply it.

  • This week in class, we had the RosettaNet case study and their connection with ebXL. The main topic we focused on is standards within your business and the goals of the industry. Then we discussed how B2B will affect your company within its particular industry. But the part of the class that stuck with me the most was Professor Beaver’s advice on life after graduation. Pretty much the synopsis of his speech was working in the ‘real world’ and doing what makes you happy. It was a simple message, but it definitely stuck with me.

  • In this week, we discussed the RosettaNet case. I got the ideas about the importance of Resettanet and ebXML in supply chain management. In addition, the standards are necessary and essential in eBusiness because of the cost to develop, complexity, ease of use, and to EDI affordable to small and medium business. The RosettaNet has a significant business value, which boarder uses in the IT, electronic components, as well the semiconductor manufacturing industries.

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