MIS 3537 – Spring 2017

Joining the Course’s Online Community

I encourage you to to join the online community (course blog).  3 Main Reasons:

  1. The blog contains significant class logistics and course information
  2. Your participation helps everyone in the class learn from your unique experiences and you can learn from them
  3. Your participation in the blog by posting counts in your course grade.

To Join: simply click on ‘login’ at the top left of this page and use your Accessnet id and password when prompted.  When you complete the process, add your name and username as a comment on this post.  For example:  Ed Beaver (ebeaver)  This  provides a trigger for me to authorize your participation in the blog.

Subscription: If desired you can subscribe to the blog to receive notifications of new posts by email.  To subscribe see the ‘Subscribe to Blog via Email’ section of the menu to the right of the Home page.


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