Individual Rubric
I’ve posted the grading rubric for the Individual Project due next week.
Look under Individual Assignment.
The Groups have been finalized. I have them posted under the projects.
We will have 4 teams. 3 teams of 5 people and 1 team of 6 people.
Website Update
I published all the presentations back to the 1st class (under Course Material).
I also published the Individual and Group Project (under Project)
Week 5 Case and Assignment
- Amazon Web Services
- What Web 2.0 is (and isn’t)
- Great Wall of Facebook: The Social Network’s Plan to Dominate the Internet
- Better Information Isn’t Always Beneficial
- How Cloud Computing is Changing the World
- ABC: Introduction to SOA
Group Member Assignment
For Thursday I need to know who will be in your group. Group should be no more that 5 people. 3 person groups I will assign a forth member.
Week 4 Case and Assignment
Case: Cisco ERP
Barnett, T. (January 22, 2007). What IT Can Learn from the Railroad Business. ComputerWorld.
Gruman, G. (May 7, 2007). Put the Emphasis on “P” for Process in Business Process Management. CIO.
Koch, C. (n.d.). ABC: Introduction to ERP. CIO.
Wailgum, T. (n.d.). ABC: Introduction to CRM. CIO.
Taber, D. (August 2, 2012). Why CRM Implementation Is So Political. CIO.
Week 3 Case and Assignment
Case: Stars Air Ambulance
– Aaronson, D. (1998). Overview of Systems Thinking.
– de Rosnay, J. (January 6, 1997). Feedback. Principia Cybernetica Web.
– Business Process. Wikipedia.
– Christensen, C., Anthony, S., and Roth, E. (2006). Seeing What’s Next: Introduction (How to Use Theories of Disruptive Innovation to Predict Industry Change)
Harvard Publishing: 1742BC-PDF-ENG (need to purchase from Harvard Publishing)
– Christensen, C., Anthony, S., and Roth, E. (2006). Signals of Change: Where Are the Opportunities?
Harvard Publishing: 1743BC-PDF-ENG (need to purchase from Harvard Publishing)
Questions I have Received
Do I need to purchase all the cases on the Harvard Business Review Site?
Answer: Yes you will need all the cases. I recommend buying them all at once.
I do not see the Stars Case?
Answer: Stars Air Ambulance can be found on the internet in the public domains.
Week 2 Case and Assignment
Case: Google
Porter 5 Forces Analysis. Wikipedia.
Value Chain. Wikipedia.
Elgan, M. (June 6, 2009). How Cell Phones Will Replace Learning. Computerworld.
Pariser, E. (April 26, 2011). Welcome to the Brave New World of Persuasion Profiling.
Now that we all survived Week 1. As a reminder I will use this area to keep your assignments posted and any additional information for the class.