MIS5001 Section 001

Project 2 – Digital Identity

Digital identity is what uniquely describes a person and their relationships online. College students are experts in social identity management (e.g., a change in status or an update on Facebook) and routinely take steps to shape reputation and manage networks[1]. The goal of this assignment is professional identity management and includes:

  • Professional reputation: In your next team project, do you prefer working with individuals that are comparable in skill and career interests, or with a friend who will ‘free ride,’ or the person who happens to be sitting next to you? In this assignment, learn how to develop a professional reputation and build a professional network – a ‘digital brand.’
  • Digital identity: When you apply for a job, employers will search for you online. Do you want them to find your Facebook page or a carefully curated digital identity that focuses on professional achievements? In this assignment, create a curated digital identity and apply analytics to analyze the impact.
  • Social and knowledge systems: Organizations understand that innovation is accelerated by digital systems that connect individuals and enable communities of practice[2]. In this assignment, learn to use digital systems to identify and connect to individuals with relevant skills, share knowledge in virtual teams, and manage professional relationships.

The above goals are enabled by creating a digital identity and associated e-portfolio: A collection of content that showcases skills and body of work.  The content is displayed on a web site termed an e-portfolio that is updated frequently and pushed to search engines.  The e-portfolio is more formal and professional than a Facebook site but more creative and open than LinkedIn; it is your digital brand. The digital brand enables others to find and connect with you and for you to find and connect with others.

[1] Mary Madden, Amanda Lenhart, Sandra Cortesi, Urs Gasser, Maeve Duggan, Aaron Smith and Meredith Beaton. Teens, Social Media, and Privacy. Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Project, May 21, 2013.

[2] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Communities_of_practice


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