IT Audit Process Quiz 1: Study Guide
Quiz 1 consists of twenty (20) multiple-choice questions similar to the CISA exam questions. The questions will be based on the topics covered in class these past few weeks, and we will review the material Monday of Week 06. Here’s an outline
ITAF 3rd Edition
- General Standards
- 1001 Audit Charter
- 1002 Organizational Independence
- 1003 Professional Independence
- General Guidelines
- 2001 Audit Charter
- 2002 Organizational Independence
- 2003 Professional Independence
- Performance Standard
- 1202 Risk Assessment in Planning
- Performance Guideline
- 2202 Risk Assessment in Planning
CISA Review Manual
- 1.4 IS Controls and all subsections EXCEPT 1.4.4 COBIT. I will not include questions regarding COBIT 5