In-class Case Study Analysis Exercise
Unit #2 – Presentation slides and video
Protection of Information Assets
Temple University
by David Lanter
by David Lanter
Consider Ash Rao’s role as Dean of the Saunders College of Business. How important is his laptop to him? What information might he have on that machine?
Evaluate the steps that Dave Ballard and Nick Francesco took in response to Dean Rao’s email informing them that his laptop had been stolen.
Assume you are tasked with designing a new policy that highlights information security best practices related specifically to mobile devices at RIT, including laptops, smartphones, and tablets. The new policy should supplement RIT’s Information Security Policy and Acceptable Use Policy (case Exhibits 4 and 5). What practices would you recommend? How could you make staff aware of the policy and encourage their compliance?
Based on the facts presented in the case, how far had Fetcher-Allen progressed in these steps by June, 1998? (Explain your reasoning supported by specific evidence from the case study.)
How likely is it that Fletcher-Allen would have achieved full-year 2000 compliance by December 31, 1999? (Explain your reasoning.)
At the end of the case, Sadlemire observes, “This project sometimes plays second fiddle to other projects that I believe are less critical.” What “other projects” do you think he is referring to here? What advice would you give Sadlemire to help him address this issue of conflicting priorities?
by David Lanter