Two case studies and one reading are available in the course pack for purchase from HBP:
The third case study can be found via the link in the syllabus.
Case Study Process:
- Individual preparation: The goal of is to prepare you to contribute during our first class’ group discussion meeting. Your work answering case study questions before class will prepare you to learn from what others say. To fully benefit from the interchange of ideas about the case’s problem, however, you must possess a good understanding of the facts of the case and have your own ideas. Studying the case and doing your homework will prime you to react to what others say. This is how we learn.
- Post your answers to the questions as a PDF document to Canvas according to the schedule listed in the syllabus. Your analysis should be single-spaced pages using 11 point Times New Roman font with one-inch margins, and the entire document should be limited to 3 pages (including the diagram for your answer to question Do not prepare a separate cover page, instead put your name, the class section number (e.g. MIS5206.701), and the case name in the top-left corner of the header. Add page numbers in the footer of the document. Your assignment should be saved as a PDF formatted file to Canvas, your PDF file should be named Case2-YourName.pdf
- Group discussion: During class you will meet in small groups and have an informal group discussion. The goal of your group’s discussion will be to give and to take. Come to the discussion with your own ideas, and leave with better understanding. By pooling your insights with the others in your group you advance your own analysis. Discussions within small groups also helps those uncomfortable talking in large classes, providing opportunities to express their views and gain feedback.
- Class discussion: We will then have a class discussion which will advance learning from the case. This will help provide a context for gaining more knowledge and learning concepts that help form your intellectual toolkit that you will develop in class and apply in practice.