- You and your team have volunteered to participate in a free community information security clinic (“ITACS Clinic”) and provide support to a under-served small business
- In a prior meeting your team was introduced to a number of small businesses and community support organizations
–At that meeting you did a great job introducing your company and the service you are offering through the clinic
- One organization that attended the meeting has taken you up on your offer, and signed up to meet with you and receive intensive help from your team…
Your Team’s Mission is to deliver a presentation that explains to the owner/manager of the business:
- Information & Information System Security – Introduce them to the objectives of information security, identify how the objectives are relevant to their businesses
- Risk Management Process – The process that will help them identify what to protect and how to plan the security
- Homework – Help them understand how to take the first step and identify their information assets and how to prioritize their assets for protection what would happen to their business if eed to take, how to do it, and what they should bring to your next meeting
- Motivation – Help them understand why doing their homework will help you help them get started creating a strategy to protecting their business’ IT assets
- Assignment Details – Provide and explain a worked-out example they can use as a template to help them do their homework
By end of Unit 8’s class on June 12th, each member of each project team should submit to Canvas 3 files in PDF format:
1.Team project PowerPoint slide presentation
2.Homework example you prepared for your client
3. 360 degree review – Briefly answering: What you contributed to your team’s project? What each named member of your team contributed to your team’s project.
Be sure that your deliverables identify: your client, your Team, and all members of your team in deliverables for both 1 &2