This article is a demonstration of why you should always be very careful when sharing any information publicly. The authors of this article detailed a process of image correction and QR code “hacking” to figure out information on Roger Ver’s bitcoin wallet that was displayed during an interview he gave on a French TV show. Through the use of some very clever thinking and software work, they were able to figure out Roger’s private key. The victim, Roger Ver, actually put this information up knowingly and offered the wallet to anyone who could figure it out. Even so, it is a difficult process, as the authors detail the steps:
- Information gathering
- Let’s enhance! Image Analysis
- QR code standard part 1
- QR code reconstruction
- QR code standard part 2
- QR code decoding
- Error Correction Code
- Python & Brute force
Check it out!
Donald Hoxhaj says
Your article is quite interesting and upon reading I was actually shocked to see such threats possible. You are right when you say that Information should not be disclosed publicly, but practically it is impossible for high profile people to not disclose or hide everything. The Image correction of QR code hacking is pretty shocking because if we consider China or United States, these countries use digital QR currency payments in almost 90% of their every transactions. How much will QR code hacking unfold itself further and what will be its impact across different channels that use QR code or user’s Identity codes for validation?