You and your team are:
- Acting as the CSP (Cloud Service Provider)
- Seeking PA (Preliminary Authorization) for your information system
- Responsible for:
- Developing and documenting the system security architecture for your information system
- Developing a System Security Plan (SSP) for your information system
- Presenting your SSP to an internal senior management review team
Instructions for successfully completing 1, 2 & 3 (above) and 1 through 4 (below) will be provided throughout the semester in class.
Deliverables: (Hand in your assignment individually via Canvas. Each member of the team should submit an identical copies of the following documents in PDF format with your names on the files and in the documents via your individual Canvas:
- PowerPoint presentation
- System Security Plan (with completed sections and attachments as detailed above)
- Logical system security architecture diagrams (System’s logical network diagram with boundaries, interconnections and data flows to/from users and other/supporting systems, and security architecture components)
- 360 Degree Review – On a single page, list the members of your team including yourself and briefly describe each team member’s contribution to developing and delivering the deliverables
- Each team not presenting will interview/question the SSP presentation team to help identify and clarify possible weaknesses in the information system’s security architecture being presented.