Much of your learning will occur as you prepare for and participate in discussions about the course material. In addition to fulfilling your weekly assignments you are required to:
- Comment on your classmates’ discussion questions and/or key points they took away from the readings: Read your classmates’ discussion questions and key points they took away from the assigned readings – and contribute at least three (3) substantive posts that include your thoughtful answers to their discussion questions and/or comments on the key points made about the readings. Your posting of your three comments is due noon Tuesday.
- Post an article to the “In the News” Post: Contribute a link and be prepared to discuss in class an article you found about a current event in the Information Security arena. An ideal article would be tied thematically to the topic of the week. However, any article you find interesting and would like to share is welcome. The deadline for posting is noon Tuesday.
Evaluation online and in-class participation will be based on what you contribute, not simply what you know. Frequency and quality of your contributions are equally important.
Note: Late submissions for participation deadlines will result in no (0) credit earned for Comments and In the News articles.