The registration process involves capturing and storing the identifying information of an individual or entity. This typically includes basic personal details, contact information, and authentication credentials (e.g., password, pin).
Proof of identity is the process of verifying the authenticity of an individual’s claimed identity. It involves verifying the identity information provided during the registration process according to a reliable and trusted source.
This article outlines the process of collecting, validating, and verifying identity evidence for applicants at various Identity Assurance Levels (IALs). The document emphasizes the importance of ensuring the authenticity and accuracy of identity information to prevent fraud and enhance the security of digital identities. It also details the responsibilities of Credential Service Providers (CSPs) in maintaining accurate enrollment records and securely binding authenticators to these records.
About the processes of resolving, validating and verifying an individual’s identity and the associated evidence. There are some requirements aimed at ensuring that the claimed identity matches the actual identity of the individual attempting to enroll with a Credential Service Provider (CSP). This is crucial for preventing scalable attacks that could impact a large number of enrolled individuals, thereby necessitating that the cost and effort to execute such attacks outweigh the potential benefits.
Identity resolution, a key component of these guidelines, focuses on uniquely identifying an individual within a specific population or context. This involves using the minimal set of necessary attributes to distinguish an individual uniquely. Effective identity resolution serves as a crucial starting point in the identity proofing process, enabling the initial detection of potential fraud. However, it’s important to note that identity resolution alone does not constitute a complete and successful identity proofing transaction.
The registration process involves capturing and storing the identifying information of an individual or entity. This typically includes basic personal details, contact information, and authentication credentials (e.g., password, pin).
Proof of identity is the process of verifying the authenticity of an individual’s claimed identity. It involves verifying the identity information provided during the registration process according to a reliable and trusted source.
This article outlines the process of collecting, validating, and verifying identity evidence for applicants at various Identity Assurance Levels (IALs). The document emphasizes the importance of ensuring the authenticity and accuracy of identity information to prevent fraud and enhance the security of digital identities. It also details the responsibilities of Credential Service Providers (CSPs) in maintaining accurate enrollment records and securely binding authenticators to these records.
About the processes of resolving, validating and verifying an individual’s identity and the associated evidence. There are some requirements aimed at ensuring that the claimed identity matches the actual identity of the individual attempting to enroll with a Credential Service Provider (CSP). This is crucial for preventing scalable attacks that could impact a large number of enrolled individuals, thereby necessitating that the cost and effort to execute such attacks outweigh the potential benefits.
Identity resolution, a key component of these guidelines, focuses on uniquely identifying an individual within a specific population or context. This involves using the minimal set of necessary attributes to distinguish an individual uniquely. Effective identity resolution serves as a crucial starting point in the identity proofing process, enabling the initial detection of potential fraud. However, it’s important to note that identity resolution alone does not constitute a complete and successful identity proofing transaction.