MIS 9003 – Prof. Min-Seok Pang

Week 1 – Business Value of IT – paper assignment

Each week, I will assign one paper to each student, who is required to write a brief up to 300 words for the assigned paper and lead the discussion on the paper in class. Here is the assignment for the first week.

  • Anderson et al. (2006) – Sid Bhattacharya, Kennedy Heather
  • Aral and Weill (2007) – Zhe Deng
  • Cheng and Nault (2007) – Jack Tong
  • Ho et al. (2017) – Xi Wu
  • Kim et al. (2017) – Leting Zhang

A brief is due by 11:59 PM on the day before the class date (Tuesday, Jan 16). Submit your brief as a new post on this site and do not email it to me. Be advised that you’re required to read all the five papers

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