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AIS Mentorship Program

When I chose to participate in the AIS Mentorship program, I was new to the MIS major and didn’t know much about AIS as a whole, finding internships as a student, and the next steps I need to take to continue my development in AIS. My mentor, Nathaly, was extremely helpful in guiding me in the right direction. Nathaly shared her experiences in AIS, her internship experience, and generally what to expect in the coming years. As a sophomore, I asked Nathaly what companies could be good for internships to pursue myself, and she was able to list a few that hire sophomores to point me in the right direction. This program increased my confidence in myself in MIS and aided in my understanding of the major, and I recommend this program to any underclassman MIS student.

My mentor during the Spring semester was Alex. Alex helped me sharpen some of my professional skills by giving me valuable resume advice. He also gave me important information regarding internships, the internship experiences that he had, and the best ways to secure internships. Finally, Alex helped me in gaining a better understanding of the AIS organization, and how the pro point system works. Overall, the mentorship program has helped immensely in improving my understanding of the MIS field, the AIS organization, and the professional world.

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