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“Being Haitian is not just an adjective; it is my way of life, it is all I have ever known, and who I am”

~Murielle Alphonse

If you ask me right now, where I see myself in the future, I will tell you working as an attorney at a Law Firm or for a Fortune 500 corporation. What I am really afraid to say is that I honestly see myself working as an Ambassador for Haiti or being apart of the Haitian Government somewhere down the line.

 I was born and raised in Miami, Florida. The LARGE overpopulated Haitian community in Florida as well as my father’s strong involvement in Haitian politics gave way to my undying love for my country. This never-ending love affair began even way before my conception. Before my mother found out she was pregnant with me, a prophetess, came to her and told her that she was going to have a girl and that she was to name me Esther…for I would deliver my people. The thought frightened my parents; their daughter would take on their country, the one that had slowly turned into HELLS very earthly quarters, and the same place they had to flee from. After being held at gunpoint, witnessed family members assassinated before his very eyes, and being threatened by government gang members…my father understood it was time to leave. However, LAKAY SE LAKAY, home will always be home and he promised to return someday to finish his work and help her fulfill her destiny.

My memory of Haiti is very faint. I left at the age of 4 and because of my parent’s fears that I may get kidnapped for ransom, I have not been able to go back. When I think about my very future I see it in Haiti however the more I understand PEUPLE AYITIENNE (the Haitian people) the more hesitant I am. But it’s like when your older sibling tries to scare you out of the first day of school or going to bed by telling you that the boogieman will be waiting for you, and like every child we face those TREE BRANCH MONSTERS in our heads, pull those covers over our eyes and count sheep.

Being Haitian is not just an adjective; it is my way of life, it is all I have ever known, and who I am. My past has sculpted me into strong, Haitian, woman of valor…with a funny accent.  One day I aspire to be a Haitian Ambassador to continue on in my fight to rebuild Haiti’s image in reference to the misconceptions of our beautiful island, as well as advocate for human rights, respect, and tolerance.

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