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DC Summer Scholar

This summer I interned as a Consulting Summer Scholar in MAR (Mergers, Acquisitions, Restructuring) at Deloitte. The internship was for Business Technology Solutions which is essentially Deloitte’s IT Consulting area, but the work I did and the people I worked with were not always IT-related. The project I was on was a divestiture where a large company was selling off portions of its business, and our team was doing an “entanglement analysis” which consisted of documenting the functions in the portions of the business being sold off and getting information about how those functions were entangled with the company’s core operations and departments, whether that be from existing documents, user stories, or interviews. The culmination of the project was a slide deck that outlined the entanglements and how severe they were to better inform potential buyers. This process involves a lot of work in understanding a company’s IT systems and what systems are needed for the divested parts of the business to function. People, processes, and technology drive consulting projects like these and are intrinsic to the entanglement analysis. On top of this project, I did networking and training with Deloitte and Deloitte professionals in MAR.

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