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Home Renovation

Even before HGTV binges, I knew I wanted to own a house. The idea of creating my own space and building equity at the same time was my kind of pursuit. To prepare myself for the right opportunity, I spent a lot of time learning about the real estate market in Philadelphia. After a few years of keeping my eye on the development of various neighborhoods, and taking on every freelance assignment I could get, I had enough for a down payment and knew my desired neighborhood: NoLibs/Fishtown.

After six weeks of looking, I found the perfect house and had contractor help me evaluate the condition of the house pre-inspection. With the offer, I submitted a letter pointing out the flaws in their pricing because of necessary improvements and after several negotiations persuaded them to lower their price by nearly 100k.

I closed on April 17th, 2014, four days after my birthday. Best present ever. I spent the next year renovating the third floor. Check out the pictures below to see some of the projects I accomplished!



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