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Work Experience

I’ve worked in city government, non-profits, and startups across a wide variety of channels to deliver effective solutions for my clients.

As the Director of Communications for City Councilman Bobby Henon’s Philly Play summer initiative, I oversaw more than 20 pop-up promotional events in every district of the city, planned a social media campaign for each council office, and designed literature that went to hundreds of thousands of schoolchildren and their parents. Before the deadline, 100% of program space was filled.

With a New York City startup, I reworked their sales process and materials leading to conversions jumping up to 4 times their previous rate in the following weeks. After joining in on their sales calls, I realized that simple mistakes were crippling them. From my experience in the restaurant industry, I knew their staff was hitting the streets during the wrong hours. Their pitch was mostly verbal, and their supporting sales materials were flashy, but ineffective. Before they hired me, they were considering expensive marketing plans, but after the changes I made they were no longer necessary.

Over the summer, I worked with Zita West, renowned fertility specialist and midwife to Kate Middleton and the stars, to redo videos for the website introducing her and her clinic. I planned, directed, shot and edited a new video with just three days turnaround time. During the shoot, she told me that in all her years she has never felt so relaxed or natural while speaking in front of a camera. As a result, I got footage that truly captured her brand’s feel, unlike the video previously.

I thrive in a fast-paced environment and have sought so many different types of challenges because I love to create. I have the experience to deliver content across all channels, and the drive to make that content the most original and successful it can be.

My full resume is viewable here.

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