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Travel & Volunteering


Every time I challenge myself to explore a new area of the world I come back a different person. The first time I went to Europe I discovered that hopping from city-to-city was great, but not exactly what I was looking for. Ever since, whenever I travel, I find a place to volunteer where I can learn something, or an event that furthers my skills.

In summer 2013, I went to Spain. While I did check out Madrid and Barcelona, I spent most of my time in the Andalusian countryside learning how to take care of and ride horses. From sunrise to sundown, four other volunteers and myself fed, watered and exercised 26 horses over 15 acres of land. Once we knew the land we led guests on treks for as little as 2 hours to 3 days. I’ve never worked such a physically demanding job in my life, but it showed me how even the most difficult jobs become fun when you love what you are doing.

In July 2014, I went to the World Domination Summit after hearing a girl talk about it on a bus coming back from New York. While it may sound like a superhero convention, it was actually a conference for people who lead unconventional lives. Over three days, we heard speakers like A.J. Jacobs, author of The Year of Living Biblically, and a man who took a vow not to ride in cars after witnessing the devastating affects of an oil spill, and then ended up taking a vow of silence so he didn’t have to explain it. I met so many people who were “making it” in unusual ways I never would have thought of, and was further inspired to pursue my dreams!

Last summer, I took two months off, and used my content strategy and web design skills to finance my trip. I went to Israel for two and half weeks, Turkey for three, and England for three, and each place worked with businesses to improve their content and whatever other projects they needed. In Turkey, at a raw vegan culinary institute, I helped the owner whose not-so-great English writing skills were stopping him from attracting his desired caliber of guest. In the UK, I worked with an English web designer and PR specialist, and not only helped with WordPress development but also helped her shoot and edit promotional videos for clients like Zita West.

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