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Class Projects

MIS2502: Data Anlytics

I took this class in Spring of 2018. The goal of this class project was to do research on a current topic on Data Analytics that was not covered in the curriculum. The topic I chose was Artificial Intelligence. 


Artificial intelligence (AI) is a science that is concerned with making computers that think humanly, act humanly, think rationally, and act rationally. This form of technology is expanding rapidly in today’s society. AI analyzes data itself to improve its own intelligence to become better at cognitive tasks (“Artificial Intelligence – What It Is and Why It Matters”). AI is very important in today’s society because it automates learning, adds intelligence, analyzes data in a deeper way, improves accuracy of data, adapts through algorithms, and gets the most out of data (“Artificial Intelligence – What It Is and Why It Matters”). Artificial intelligence can be used to increase accuracy and speed of data, transcribe speech into words, or translate text from one language to another (Gershgorn). Each function of AI is its own separate algorithm that is configured by humans. Much of the AI found today in society is specialized in one specific task (Gershgorn). AI is the future of technology for society.

Artificial Intelligence can be found in many different forms of technology like Google maps, autonomous cars, Google translate, Facebook suggestions, and much more. The most famous example of AI is the robot Sophia. Sophia was invented by Hanson Robotics in Hong Kong. The robot is described as “a real, live electronic girl that would like to go out into the world and live with people” (“Sophia: About Me”). Sophia can serve, entertain, help, and teach humans of all ages. Her most recent development is expression human emotion (“Sophia: About Me”).  Sophia is a user-interface for humans to interact with for different situations. She is a research platform that can communicate with humans through an algorithm to answer questions humans may ask her.

In MIS2502 Data Analytics, the process of taking raw, concrete facts and transforming the facts into facts with meaning is the central topic. This process is known as ETL: extract, transform, and load. AI uses the information that is loaded into the analytical data store to make predictions and perform actions. From this information, AI adjusts to new inputs to further enhance its capabilities to perform human-like tasks (“Artificial Intelligence – What It Is and Why It Matters”). The information AI uses is found in all different industries like the health industry, retail industry, manufacturing industry, and sports industry (“Artificial Intelligence – What It Is and Why It Matters”).


“Artificial Intelligence – What It Is and Why It Matters.” – What It Is and Why It Matters | SAS,

“Sophia: About Me.” Sophia AI,

Gershgorn, Dave. “Inside the Mechanical Brain of the World’s First Robot Citizen.” Quartz, Quartz, 14 Nov. 2017,

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