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Human Resource Management

This was one of the very first business courses I took at Temple University. This class taught the students the importance of business ethics, and how good ethics should be the core of any business decision you make. No matter what one’s major is, if he/she does not practice proper business ethics, he/she could be caught in a lawsuit and cost a company a lot of money. In addition, this class had a team project in which you created your own business from scratch for a classroom competition. I worked in a team of 7 other people, and our company came in second place.

Click the following link to read more about my project: Build A Business Project

Intro to Management Information Systems

This class had the biggest impact on my academic career at Temple University. I took this class in Fall of 2017 when I had no idea what I wanted to major in or what career path I wanted to head down. Thanks to Professor Amy Lavin, she exposed me to all potential careers I could have if I decided to chose a career in MIS. During this semester, I found a passion for Customer Relationship Management and decided this is the career that was meant for me.


Financial Accounting

This class posed to greater challenge for me at Temple University. This is an intense, fast pace classroom. Many times, I would find myself teaching myself the material in order to be successful. Through this class, I learned a basis of understanding financial impacts of a business. This understanding will guide me through the rest of my classes here. Financial Accounting was my greatest achievement after receiving an A. It taught me how hard work, studying, and determination pays off.


Current Classes

Currently, I am taking Data Analytics, Data-Centric Application Development, Into to Risk Management and Insurance, Business Communications, and Financial Management. These classes are intense in learning. I expect that at the end of this semester I will have a better understanding of data, communication skills, and analyzing business decisions.

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