Junior | Accounting Major



Hello and thank you for visiting my E-Portfolio!  My name is Nicholas Miele and I am a junior at Temple University.  I am currently enrolled in Temple’s Fox School of Business.  I am an Accounting major and a Finance minor and expect to graduate in May 2015.  One of my short-term goals is to find an internship in the accounting industry for the summer of 2014.  I am excited to get my foot in the door and gain experience in a professional work environment.  I am most looking forward to discovering how accounting professionals operate on a day-to-day basis.  One of my favorite quotes about obtaining an accounting degree comes from the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA), which calls accounting “the one degree with 360 degrees of possibilities.”  The ability to take the knowledge I am accumulating as an accounting student and apply it to just about anything in the business world is an exciting opportunity.

My E-Portfolio contains pages about my professional, educational, and personal life.  Please feel free to browse my site and learn more about me.  I have added a link containing my contact information so if you have any questions or comments do not hesitate to get in touch with me.  Thank you for your interest!

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