Junior | Accounting Major

Career Objectives

I became interested in the accounting industry during my days in high school.  I attribute a lot of my interest in pursuing an accounting degree to my high school accounting courses and teachers.  I was able to experience three different accounting courses and enjoyed what each had to offer.  As a junior in my fall semester, I am beginning to experience the bulk of my accounting courses.  Since accounting is such a large industry, I believe that my future accounting courses at Temple will help me focus the direction that I want to take my career.  As I mentioned on my welcome page, a short-term goal of mine is to obtain an accounting internship for the summer of 2014.  This is an exciting time as I will be provided with the opportunity to learn more about the industry and how accountants operate.  A long-term career objective is to combine my love for sports with my interest in accounting.  I would love to work as an accountant for a professional sports team.  Since there are limited jobs available in professional sports, I plan to work in private accounting to gain the necessary experience and become more qualified.

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