Junior | Accounting Major


I love spending my free time with my friends and family.  I have a brother who is currently a senior in high school.  We share all of the same interests so we have always been very close.  I have been lucky enough to have close relationships with all of my family and friends.  One thing that seems to bring all of my friends and family together is sports.  When I am not spending time on academics, I am involved in everything sports related.  My passions are basketball, soccer, and football.  I enjoy watching professional sports and playing them competitively.  In fact, most of my time was spent playing sports growing up, specifically soccer and basketball.  I am a diehard Philadelphia sports fan.  My favorite teams to watch are the Phillies, Sixers, and Eagles.  Despite the ups and downs that come along with being a diehard Philadelphia sports fan, I consider myself lucky.  In 2008, the Phillies won the World Series and brought a championship home to Philadelphia.  Championships sure do not come along that often, especially in Philadelphia.  So, when the Phillies won the World Series it is safe to say that it was one of the most rewarding events of my life.  Experiencing a parade on Broad Street is a memory that I will be able to share with my kids.

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