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The Discovery of You

The project was advised by Bruce Fadem and Richard Flanagan, and I worked alongside Jason Mays on this project. The Discovery of You is a health and wellness practice in Malvern owned by Carol McFarland. She offers private and group wellness coaching sessions as well as selling some products and services. The products that are sold within the business are food sensitivity tests, tower gardens, home equipment, and other products sold on behalf of partnerships. Carol would like every client to go through a free discovery session and then recommend a plan based on her findings. She currently has attempted to create a Squarespace website and she has social media accounts on LinkedIn and Facebook. She would like to have her current website on Squarespace audited to clean up her intended message and she would like to implement scheduling into the Squarespace website for the discovery session.

During this project, Jason Mays and I helped our client, Carolina, update and implement new features on her website for her company “The Discovery of You.” We held 6 meetings with Carolina to understand her vision for the website and show her the changes that we made on the updated website. In particular, I was in charge of implementing a scheduling system through Squarespace that allowed clients to book “Discovery Sessions” that linked directly to Carolina’s Google Calendar. Carolina later then decided that she would rather set up the scheduling system on her own, so I provided her with detailed documentation on setting up this system and explained to her everything she needed to know. After completing this project, it was evident that Carolina was very pleased with the outcome of the website, and I learned a lot more about Squarespace and website design. I am very grateful for being given the opportunity to work on this project and hope to work on more in the future.

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