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Data Visualization With Tableau

Data Science course taught me the basics of data science such as how and what it is used for in the business world. I learned useful skills in the programs Microsoft Excel, Tableau, and Piktochart. The most useful thing that I learned in this course was making an original analysis of a data set and using that analysis to create a useful data visualization.

Drug poisoning-mortality from NicholasSwink

AWS Web Application

Below is a project where we explored the basics of Amazon Web Services. We used tools in AWS to create a robust, scalable, and secure web server. The web server is a basic program in which the user inputs turnpike information and it communicates with a node.js server which queries a relational database and returns the pricing information to the user on the webpage. Different tools we used to help us build this cloud were: Virtual Private Clouds, Security Groups, Load balancers, Auto Scaling, and Relational Database Service.

Project final pres from NicholasSwink


Full-stack Environmental App

In a team of three, I developed a full-stack app to incentivize users to lower their co2 emissions. We utilized basic HTML, CSS, Javascript, and Node js. We also have a database containing key information for our app. The app proves my understanding of how to develop API driven web applications. It uses an API written for this project that serves database information to the client, and also a third-party, TextBelt, for texting users. This project was completed in one month and about 15 hours of development time.

Emissons project from NicholasSwink
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