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This Year
230 Points
1215 Points
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Interesting Facts Page

Interest Facts About Me

  • A show I’m currently watching is Ozark, it’s about a financial planner who has to pay his debts to a drug lord after a money-laundering scheme goes wrong
  • Some films I’ve rewatched over and over are Her (2013) and Planes, Trains, and Automobiles (1987). One is a story about a man who falls in love with an OS (operating system), and the other is about a marketing executive trying to get home to family for thanksgiving
  • I used to have three parakeets, I only ever referred to them by their colors; Yellow, Green, and Blue
  • Some of my favorite out-of-work/school activities are going to the gym, and jump roping. These activities give me a sense of self-improvement that’s needed for a positive mindset throughout the day
  • I’ve only ever lived in three places; Florida, Virginia, and Pennsylvania
  • The coolest thing I’ve ever done is riding a camel in the Sahara desert in Egypt. It was fun to take part in one of my culture’s most common activities, especially since I’ve been away from it for so long
  • My proudest atypical accomplishment was garnering a decently large following of 30k followers on Instagram as a Comicbook fan page, posting news, concept scripts, and entertainment. This allowed me to be seen by big-name celebrities such as Henry Cavill (Superman)
    • AIS Technical Development TrackSpring 2024
      Fall 2023
      Spring 2023
      Fall 2022

    • AIS Speaker Series TrackSpring 2024
      Fall 2023
      Spring 2023
      Fall 2022

    • National AIS CompetitionSpring 2024

    • Assist with department eventFall 2023
      Fall 2022
      Spring 2022

    • IT Career FairFall 2023
      Fall 2022
      Fall 2021
      Fall 2021

    • AIS Mentorship ProgramSpring 2023
      Fall 2022
      Spring 2022

    • Interesting Facts Page Spring 2022

    • Omar Abdo 2021 Fall Schedule Fall 2021

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