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Cloud Architecture: Core Concepts

Title of the Activity: Cloud Architecture: Core Concepts

Term of the Activity: Spring 2023

Name of Sponsoring Organization: LinkedIn Learning

What I Learned: I learned that Cloud architecture refers to the integration of various technological components to create a cloud computing system that solves business problems. For cloud architects to design an effective cloud-based system, they need to have a clear understanding of the business problems they are trying to solve. Databases are a critical component of cloud architecture, and the three primary ways data is stored are object, file, and block storage. Cloud architects must understand the nature of the data being stored and shared to propose effective solutions. Lastly, it is important for cloud architects to maintain technical documentation of their cloud designs, proposals, pricing, industry changes, internal requests, and other relevant information, as they engage with clients and attend meetings.

How the activity relates to my coursework/career goals: I find Cloud Architecture interesting and it could be a career path I pursue in the future. As an MIS major, I feel confident in my ability to address business-technology challenges related to cloud services, and I’m eager to gain practical experience in this field.

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