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Service Work

Me welding in Costa Rica

From May 2009 to July 2009 I volunteered for i-to-i volunteers in Costa Rica. During my time there, myself and the other volunteers built a house for an underprivileged local family. This was one of the most rewarding experiences of my life. The family of seven we helped were living in a one room house with a mango tree growing directly through the roof. By the time I left they had a new three bedroom house. I lived with a host family which really gave me a chance to immerse myself into the culture of Costa Rica .  While in county I also helped out a local elementary school with their English classes. I spent a few days at a local orphanage playing with the kids and doing some minor maintenance. The beautiful country and the opportunity to help a family in need was wonderful, but the greatest reward was building lifelong relationships with the other volunteers and the families we met while we were there.

In the past I have also spent some time at the Mount Carmel Food Bank, packing boxes of food for needy families.


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