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Microsoft Azure: Security Concepts

Today I watched a video titled Microsoft Azure Concepts by David Elfassy, a Microsoft consultant. From what I learned, Microsoft Azure protects its cloud services with a few important security measures. First, it uses Azure Active Directory to determine who you are (authentication) and what you can do (authorization). This implies that only authorized individuals have access to certain information or functionalities. Azure also encrypts data, which is equivalent to storing it in a safe, whether at rest or in transit. Azure offers virtual guards, such as Network Security Groups and Azure Firewall, that regulate who may transmit data in and out. To recognize and neutralize any hackers or threats, Azure deploys technologies that constantly monitor the system, ready to act if they see something suspicious. Azure also ensures it follows rules and laws worldwide, helping users handle their legal and security standards. In simple terms, Azure makes sure your data and applications are well-protected on the cloud.

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