Work Experience

I started working for Temple University in August of 2016. As an Information Technology Assistant I would hold office hours to help students get a better understanding of course topics, assist the professors with evaluating course work, and answer any questions students had over e-mail. I was the ITA for both the Data Analytics course as well as the Information Systems in Organizations course. Through this work, I’ve gained a better understanding on how to communicate with others. I found that I could break down ideas or relate the topics in a way that students would find easier to understand. Another aspect I’ve improved in is time management. Students expect to have their work graded in a timely manner so I had to evaluate course work quickly so the professors could review the work before returning it. Juggling the workload between my ITA position, my work at Ridge-Spur, my coursework, and staying an active member in the Association for Information Systems has taught me how to properly manage my time.
I started working for Ridge-Spur Media in April of 2016. As Jr. Developer, I would mainly assist in managing content of clients’ websites, customizing the look/layout, and quality assurance. I used WordPress for content management and HTML/CSS primarily for customization. At Ridge-Spur Media I learned how to troubleshoot and solve all kinds of problems. Customization of websites required me to learn how to learn. I taught myself plenty of CSS tricks from online resources and whenever something seemed too hard, my boss would give me a hint so that I could learn it on my own rather than him just giving me the answer.