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Giant Food Stores

Administrative Assistant, Cashier, Purchasing Agent

I started off in Giant Food Stores as a purchasing agent at corporate in Not-for-Resale (NFR), briefly worked as a cashier in the Gettysburg store, and finished as an administrative assistant for the beauty department back at corporate. While working as an admin, I started exploring new ways to be more productive and I got into VBA. I taught myself how to create macros to finish tasks more efficiently. The macros I created were so successful that I taught other departments how to use them.


Sandusky Lee

Purchasing Agent/Administrative Assistant

I was a purchasing agent for Sandusky Lee in 2017. My main goal for the organization was to reorganize the filing system that they had in place for over 20 years. This experience taught me that when faced with a big task, I should make a system to get it done, but then consistently review it for more efficient ways to improve it.


Temple University

Resident Assistant

I was a resident assistant (RA) for Beech International at Temple University. This experience allowed me to build upon my leadership skills as I was responsible for 50 students. I coordinated programs for students to strengthen their professional and academic skill sets. rabeech

Harrisburg Area Community College


I was a secretary as part of the executive board for the Student Government Association (SGA) of Gettysburg campus at Harrisburg Area Community College. I wrote the minutes for meetings, coordinated events, and supervised senators. Before I took the position, I attended a leadership conference to improve my communication, leadership, and event planning skills. secretaryhacc

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