About Me
Ryan McCreesh
BBA in MIS, Fox School of Business, Temple University
Email: ryan.mccreesh@temple.edu
Thank you for visiting my E-Portfolio! I am a senior MIS major from Voorhees, New Jersey. I studied at Temple’s Rome Campus for the six week summer program in May and June of 2016. I have worked with the Fox Management Consulting(FMC) department assisting with the administration of the Part time MBA program’s capstone since October 2016. Over the summer of 2018, I temporarily left my job at FMC for an internship with Toronto Dominion Bank. I worked as an intern in the technology building in Mount Laurel, New Jersey, and I am excited to return after graduation as a Business Systems Analyst. Currently in my last semester at Temple, I am back at my position with FMC, as well as being a TA for MIS 3507, Defending Against Cyber Crime.