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Communicating at the Intersection of Purpose, Protests, Politics, and Pandemic

Communicating at the Intersection of Purpose, Protests, Politics, and Pandemic

Speaker: Linda Descano

This webinar featured a \\\’screen-side\\\’ chat with Linda Descano, CFA, executive vice president of Red Havas, a merged media agency. Co-author of the recent white paper, Leading Through Crisis, Linda will talk about the impact of recent events on how brands–and their CEOs–navigate how to keep the wheels turning in their organizations, how to stay aligned to their ideals around purpose, whether to stay on the sidelines or to engage–and, if they are going to engage, whether to lead or follow and how to approach strategic communications, internally and externally, in such a dynamic, fluid environment.

Date Time: Nov 18, 2020 01:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)


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