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Developing an Elevator Pitch | LinkedIn Learning

The course module focuses on developing an authentic personal pitch that showcases competence, warmth, and credibility. It aims to help individuals make a powerful first impression by building trust with people through verbal and nonverbal behaviors. The module covers best practices for delivering a confident and concise presentation that sounds credible, relational, and focused.

The learning objectives of this module include:

  1. Understanding the importance of making a positive first impression.
  2. Demonstrating warmth in a personal pitch through verbal and nonverbal behaviors.
  3. Developing competence in verbal and nonverbal pitch delivery.
  4. Creating a sense of trust with your audience.
  5. Applying best practices for making an impression online and on the phone.

By mastering these skills, I can increase my chances of success in career development by creating a strong personal brand that stands out to potential employers, clients, or collaborators. It can improve my communication skills, build better relationships, and gain more confidence in networking and job interviews.

In this course, I learned how to design a powerful first impression by projecting competence and warmth through their verbal and nonverbal behaviors. Learning how to build trust with employers and applying best practices for making an impression online and on the phone, I can enhance my career development prospects and achieve greater success in my professional life.

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