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Introduction to SQL

On October 22nd, I had the opportunity to immerse myself in an ‘Introduction to SQL’ session spearheaded by Dr. Vazi Okhandiar, a distinguished figure in Data Analytics, Machine Learning, and AI. The session meticulously spanned from the basics of relational databases to the intricacies of SQL statements, offering invaluable insights into the world of data manipulation. Dr. Okhandiar’s examples, rooted in her vast experience with industry behemoths, added layers of practicality to the content.

As a student majoring in Management Information Systems, this presentation was particularly resonant. The relevance of SQL in modern-day business, especially in data-centric decision-making, was evident throughout the session. Drawing from Dr. Okhandiar’s insights, I am more convinced than ever about the pivotal role SQL will play in my academic and subsequent professional journey. The session has emboldened my resolve to delve deeper into SQL and its myriad applications in contemporary business landscapes.

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