Community Platform
  • Business analysis
  • Business Intelligence (BI)
  • Business process analysis
  • Client server
  • more...
This Year
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Academic History

Freshman Year Academic History

  • Human Resource Management
    • Learned actual management styles as well as people interaction skills.
    • Projects for his class were information interview, I interview a Department Head at Vanguard, and Self-assessment assignment.
    • I learned a great deal about myself and where I would like to work in the future.
  • Cyberspace in Society
    • This class introduced me to computers, computer science, databases, hardware and software.
    • Completed multiple projects that worked with online editing and coding.
    • The final project was a group video project that was completed using only the computer and coding. Through this we all learned how difficult coding and editing can be.

Sophomore Year Academic History 

  • Information Systems in Organizations
    •  Learned and discussed CRM strategies, sales plans, and business intelligence in a company. This project was my first MIS and this is a sample of my work.
    • Worked with a SAP system to understand how the system operated in order to deal with shipments for operations. The SAP project was a great way to introduce students to possible careers.
    • We finally worked with Google Analytics to analyze data from the e-portfolio webpage we created.
  • Enterprise IT Architecture
    • Learned how to work with virtual machines, installing, removing, bugging and debugging the software.
    • Learned how to research upcoming technologies and present the ideas to leadership.
    • Exams consisted of researching and understanding and then writing a paper on a upcoming technology all in one hour.

Junior Year Academic History

  • Data-Centric Application Development
    • Learned the languages of HTML and PHP.
    • Exam consisted of coding webpages within a very strict time line and were graded on if they worked or not.
  • Digital Design and Innovation
    • Learned to create good business cases for technology innovation.
    • Created a prototype in JustInMind software for a real business, BeHeard Philly, as well as a business case for them to implement our ideas.
    • We presented our idea to the leadership of the BeHeard Philly.
  • Data Analytics
    • Worked within excel to use pivot tables and many more functions to analyze data and come to a conclusion.
    • Use decision trees and created decision trees to come to conclusions about data.
    • Worked in MySQL with queries to enter or take information out of databases.

Senior Year Academic History

  • More information to come.

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