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I am planning on studying abroad in Rome in the spring.

I believe that people truly mature when they are put into new environments. Being in a new environment leads to discomfort, which then forces individuals to make changes in order for them to adapt and thrive in the new environment. At this point in my life, I would consider myself in a comfortable position. I hope that my time abroad will help me become more independent and resourceful since I will no longer be in the environment I have grown to be comfortable in. Another personal goal of mine is to become more cultured; I feel that I have not traveled enough to know about any other culture except for my own. I have always been extremely open and eager to learn about different cultures but since I am unable to travel at the moment, I feel very limited. Living in Rome for a few months will help me learn more about the Italian and European culture.

In the future, I intend to be on the consulting side of information systems. This career path would require me to continuously travel. Most people my age, including myself, say that they want to travel, but not many are able to do so. I feel that by me studying abroad I will be able to determine if I am truly able to adapt and live in distinct parts of the world on my own. I have traveled alone before; I travel to Honduras every summer with my younger sister, and I am excited to see how I can thrive in a new country/region of the world. Additionally, this program will be able to contribute to my professional long-term goals because with the experiences and knowledge I will gain, I would be more equipped to travel overseas for the company I may work for in the future. During my time abroad, I will be very conscious and observant of the different business cultures and the way businesses are run in Rome. My observations will be able to help my long-term goals of running my own business which will benefit from my time abroad because I will gain an understanding of the needs of a European consumer.

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