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This Year
305 Points
1010 Points
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Analyst/Digital Content Creator

  1. Data Analyst/Digital Content Creator
  2. I was assigned tasks involving writing blog posts, researching for relevant information to use on the site, and interpreting google analytics to drive traffic to the website.
  3. After using analytics to figure out what type of post could drive traffic to the site, I decided to write a blog post on the top Italian restaurants in Philadelphia. I also helped to come up with ideas for other content posts, as well as meet with my team weekly to plan what our next move would be for the website.
  4. In this internship, I learned how to use analytics as well as create content to gain users on a website. Extracting data about the most commonly viewed posts, how long a user would typically stay on the site, etc. all helped me to create content that would cater to the users and support the website. This is relevant to my major because we have talked about how important analytics are today, and I was able to use it in a real application rather than in an assignment.
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