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Activities and Interests


 Association for Information Systems is a student professional organization that offers opportunities to gain professional development, social activities such as a mentorship program and community activities as well. I joined AIS in the Fall of 2013 to gain a better insight on what a degree in MIS would offer me after graduating. I started to become very involved within AIS during the Fall of 2014. During the Spring semester of 2015 I was elected to the position for the Director of Compliance. Then beginning in the Summer of  2015 I was elected to be the Vice President of Finance for the organization. I now work closely with the other officers on the electoral board to improve the growth of the organization. 


Technology is an interest of mine that is constantly grabbing my attention. Technology is a part of everyone’s daily lives and plays a key role in it. I think that it is important to know how it works so that it implements your life in a more effective and efficient way. I enjoy reading articles on CNET about different technological advances and looking into new upcoming technology. It amazes me how technology has evolved during my life thus far.

Music is a large part of my life. Growing up I spent a lot of time with my dad playing drums and also disc jockeying for family parties. I grew to love and understand different genres of music. I enjoy listening to a wide variety of music artist like; Stevie Wonder, John Legend, Jay-Z, John Mayer, The Black Keys, and Zac Brown Band.

Cars have been an interest of mine since I was a toddler which I am sure my family can attest to. I always had my hands on keys asking if I would could play in the car. When I was a young child I began to watch and help my dad wash and do maintenance on the cars. My dad and I would enjoy attending antique and modern day car shows every year while growing up.

Volunteering is a great way to give back to your community and I enjoy doing it. During the holidays I have volunteered with my church running food drives and serving food to the homeless on Thanksgiving. I have also had the chance to make ice cream sundaes and spend time with children in the Ronald McDonald house. I recently started to volunteer at my local Habitat for Humanity ReStore, maintaining the showroom floor and assisting customers with their purchases. I enjoy volunteering and I am always looking for new opportunities to do so.

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