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Test Automation with Python: 1 Introduction to Automated Testing

Sponsoring Organization: Headspin University

The word testing came from the Latin word testum, which was a container or pot made of earth designed to hold very hot metal. The metal would be heated up to test for impurities, hence how we got the word test from testum. According to the history of the word, testing is the application of some kind of energy to some container to determine the quality of something we want to test. A developers job is determine the quality of a software. The developer would apply conditions to the software to check the quality.

Testing is “the act of defining, building, and executing processes that determine application quality. Testing can be seen as a thre-dimensional matrix. The dimensions being: test target, test type, and test method. Test target is the thing you want to test. Test type is the apsect of quality that you are trying to test. Test method is how you will be testing.

Methods of Testing:

  • Automated
    • Automation is robots or software doing things over and over again so that humans don’t have to,
    • The word automatics comes from two greek words that meaning “self ” and “willing”. In other words, it means something that will act by itself.
    • Automation can reduce repetition and steps in testing.
    • Automation can “unlock new levels of speed scale and reliability.
  • Manual
    • Humans test where automation can’t.

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