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Throughout my time at Temple University’s MIS program, I have taken a variety of different course subjects and learned a great deal of skills.

MIS 2502 – Data Analytics:

This course was designed to introduce students to analyzing data from databases and turning it into useful information. Students used MySQL and R to solve database issues by using analytical skills. This course was extremely important because the ability to understand, analyze, and display data is a major factor in MIS and is becoming a part of almost every modern company as we know it.

MIS 3506 – Digital Solutions Studio:

Digital Solutions Studio was designed to help students understand how real-world business analysis works. Students were to work in groups of 6 along with a project manager from an upper-level course to design a prototype that enhanced the usability of a businesses website. Students also worked with a company and their stakeholders to adjust project scope as the semester went along. This course was important in improving the student’s communication, team working, and organizational skills.

MIS 3406 – Enterprise IT Architecture:

Enterprise IT Architecture taught students many aspects of the IT world. The course allowed students to work with Virtual Machines (VMs) on Microsoft’s Azure cloud platform, or by using the VMWare desktop application to work on Active Directory, DNS, and other internal settings to perform enterprise analysis. The course also helped students improve their coding skills, such as JavaScript, HTML, and CSS by using Node.js and the terminal application to help them understand in-depth IT Architecture. These skills are a must due to the ever-improving work environment that requires coding to understand and develop architecture.

MIS 0855 – Data Science:

Data Science was designed to help students understand business problems and provide the right solutions by using data analysis. The course taught advanced Microsoft Excel skills such as VLOOKUP, MATCH, Pivot Tables, and other functions that analyzed databases and gained further insights from them. The course also taught important functions of Tableau that were used to present the analyzed data in a visually pleasing aspect by using charts and graphs. These skills are important in the workplace in understanding how data works and how they can use data help improve business processes.

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