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Audit Intern

  1. Audit Intern – Ally Financial (Finance/Treasury/Capital Markets Group)
    1. 12- Week Internship spanning exposure into multiple audit teams including experience/collaboration with CCB Audit, IT Audit, and CFO Groups
  2. Tasks:
    1. Assisted in the evaluation of business policies and practices to identify risks and ensure the company’s system of internal controls, risk management and governance are operating effectively
    2. Drafted and completed various audit procedural documentation including process narratives, preliminary audit issues (PAIs), and fieldwork testing steps
    3. Collaborated with audit team and higher management through the usage of Agile project management methodology to integrate PowerBI data analytics software into current business processes and reporting data
  3. Projects:
    1. Governance, Oversight, Risk Policies Validation Testing
      1. Validation testing of internal business policies to ensure compliance with company policies and oversight committee regulations
    2. Interest Rate Risk Control Testing (Design & Effectiveness)
      1. Control design and functionality testing to ensure compliance in daily trading, as well as reporting processes
    3. Vehicle Residual Risk Control Testing (Design & Effectiveness)
      1. Control design and functionality testing to ensure appropriate procedure and data transfer of auto residual information into data analytics dashboard reporting software (PowerBI)
  4. The Vehicle Residual testing was the most interesting project, as it brought my audit experience and knowledge full circle. Not only was I able to develop a knowledge of auditing and best practices in the industry, but this test also employed the use of data analytics software. As such, I was able to see how auditing can relate to me, as a student pursuing a double major in Finance and MIS. The integration of PowerBI software into the reporting processes of auto residual risk information illustrated to me the feasibility in using MIS related solutions to simplify and strengthen finance related business processes. As audit, my job was understand this integration and usage, and then to examine and review the process to ensure that it was effective. And I have already taken courses in data analytics and database softwares, but actually seeing these solutions being applied to large scale data transformation was very insightful.
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