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Course Projects

MIS3535 – Change Leadership Project

I acted as a Project Manager during a semester long project for MIS3535, along with three other team members. We worked with an entrepreneur in the prototyping stage of his own software that would help children with disabilities, such as cerebral palsy, communicate more effectively with their therapists at school and their parents at home. In this role, I helped facilitate communication between the entrepreneur and industry professionals and worked with my team members to complete the appropriate documentation throughout the project’s life cycle, such as the charter, scope, management plans etc. Below is a list of our weekly progress reports that are directed towards our professor and stand in place of a traditional status report for the project, as well as our final binder submission.

Final Binder:

MIS3535 Full Project


Weekly Progress Reports:

Week 1:September 16, 2016 – September 23, 2016

Week 2: September 24, 2016 – September 30, 2016

Week 3: October 1, 2016 – October 7, 2016

Week 4: October 8, 2016 – October 14, 2016

Week 6: October 22, 2016 – October 28, 2016

Week 8:November 5, 2016 – November 11, 2016

Week 9: November 12, 2016 – November 18, 2016

Week 11: November 26, 2016 – December 1, 2016



MIS 3504 – Digital Design & Innovation Project

I acted as a Business Analyst during a semester long project for MIS3504, along with five other team members and two project managers. During this project, we were tasked with creating a more efficient and appealing registration process for the Temple University’s Institute for Survey Research offshoot, BeHeardPhilly.

BeHeardPhilly operates by having a Street Team sign up Philadelphia residents who want to have an active role in the decisions of their community. The residents then fill out the registration form with the street team member and are sent surveys to get their opinions on topics relevant to their community. We went through the process of interviewing key stakeholders within BeHeardPhilly and used their needs to create a prototype of a potential registration system, using the prototyping software, JustInMind. One of the things we added to the registration process was a dashboard for street team members, so that they could see where they were tasked with soliciting sign ups and they could schedule major events to attract new participants. We then made a formal presentation of our solution in front of a panel of BeHeardPhilly’s employees as well as the project sponsor. The video demo of my team’s prototype can be found here.

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