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Interests & Hobbies

One of my biggest interests are sports. I enjoy both watching and participating in sports. I grew up around sports my entire life and they have had a big influence on me. Throughout my life I participated in various sports, including baseball, wrestling, and football and I continue to do these activities for fun. Participating in sports is a great way to stay physically fit, make new friends, and learn new skills. The greatest thing I learned from both watching and participating in different sports is that hard work really does pay off and when you practice things, they begin to become permanent. I try to apply the concepts I’ve learned through sports to my own life.  I can watch all sports, but I really enjoy football and baseball. Being from Philadelphia, I am a die-hard Philly sports fan. Watching sports is great entertainment to me and can be relaxing to watch during my free time. I also find sports inspiring. Watching athletes excel at a high level and learning about stories relating to sports is captivating and influences me to want to perform at that level in my everyday life.



Another hobby I enjoy to do is read. I like all types of readings, not just one specific genre or area. I find reading quite fascinating. It is a great thing to do in my free time or when I have nothing on my schedule. It is also a productive and fun way to keep the brain active. When I read I sometimes get engrossed in the reading and get lost in my own world. I get joy out of reading because it makes me think from the perspectives of others. You can learn so much by reading. I believe reading can trigger emotions and when something can do that, that is a powerful thing.

Top 5 Favorite Books:

  • Friday Night Lights by H.G. Bissinger
  • How to Win Friends & Influence People by Dale Carnegie
  • Cat’s Cradle by Kurt Vonnegut
  • Moneyball by Michael Lewis
  • To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee

Top 3 Favorite Magazines:

  • Sports Illustrated
  • Rolling Stone
  • Money

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