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WordPress and digital marketing intern at Bite App

During my internship with Bite App I was able to experience many opportunities in the business process. Having been able to work with Bite App I found it that it was always important to communicate well and make sure that all employees understood each other. Being able to communicate well allows the the task to go a lot smoother. I also valued that in the business world I must be able to learn new skills on my own in order to complete a task. For example I was put into a project to create a webpage for Bite App using WordPress but had no experience in it. Through tutorials and searching for guides and tips online I was able to complete the task in a timely matter.

Bite App Inc. (Bite) is a C-Corporation incorporated in Delaware and founded in Philadelphia, PA in January 2017. Its founders are Peter Hwang, Timothy Ko, and David Ko. Bite’s mission and purpose is to create a food discovery platform for users to efficiently choose and share their next meal. Bite App provides a service where end user can review restaurant dishes and provide a method on hoe to decide what to eat.

At Bite Apps I was brought onto the team in June and was first given a task to optimize there website. In order to do this my task was to learn WordPress and create ways to allow the website to run smoother and faster. I was also given the task to add new functions to the site such as, email list function, Google play/Apple store buttons, etc. Through the course of this internship my main project was to create a webpage that allows restaurant business to visit if they wanted to partner with Bite App. My goal was to creatively and effectively inform the businesses on what the Bite app platform was and how they could get involved with the platform. After creating my first draft, the webpage was reviewed weekly until it was satisfactory. When there were changes need to be made on the webpage it would be discussed in the weekly meetings. Through this internship I had these meeting to help discuss marketing strategies and how to best get publicity for the app. I was able to experience digital marketing within the company. I assisted in promotions through electronic platforms and being able to understand which promotions were successful. Through the successful promotions I could see when and what was being viewed the most and this allowed for better awareness. One of the biggest challenges for the company was implementing SEO for the website. I was given the assignment of creating a report about SEO and suggest tips and alternatives to improve SEO for Bite.


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