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  1. Job function (e.g., overall role, assigned tasks)
    1. I worked in logistics, I managed tracking the manufacturing data alongside the construction data,
    2. creating trends
    3. working on flow schedules
    4. estimating 3-month lookaheads in terms of historical data to scheduled data, ensuring we have an accurate picture and realistic expectations for speed, work efficiency, and weather make-up days
    5. creating a program within excel that allows for easy data integration from autocad to excel
  2. Examples of projects (e.g., list the projects you worked on and what you accomplished)
    1. I created a excel program that allows the user to easily track manufacturing, as well as erection of steel and concrete. This was the first tool of its kind that my company had access to, and had a very easy-to-use interface. It accessed multiple different databases with a single click, and allowed the user to manage external data remotely from a single file
    2. I was asked to go to the headquarters and present this tool in front of the whole company, and I continue to teach other sites how to develop their own tool using excel.
    3. I also developed a way to matrix patterns on fiber cement within a program called Bluebeam
    4. I cross checked schedules from builder to manufacturer, and took their own historical data and integrated it to see if their schedule was going to be achievable
    5. I took the projected outcomes for budgeting, and matched them up with our current trends, and estimated how much spending we had left before it would negatively affect us later on, gave weekly reports of this at meetings.
    6. Created a bridge for data in Navisworks, to work well with a virtual reality oculus construction simulator
  3. What you learned and how it relates to your major (e.g., describe what you learned from this experience in the context of specific courses)
    1.  I learned the hugeeeee opportunity out there for data software in the construction business. I also learned how Swimlanes can be applied to manufacturer data. I learned how important it was to maintain universal keys for project items between manufacturer, construction firm, erection team, and investors. The data not following the same sequence or using different nomenclature was a serious burden, and caused a variety of issues during our pre-erection progress.
    2. I learned how important it was to try something new, and go outside of the bounds, I was just an intern with an idea, and had I just kept my mouth shut and done things the traditional way, I never would have developed the tracking program for them that is now an SOP across the company.
  4. Once approved, the description is automatically displayed in a post on your e-portfolio.
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